
If you have a question that has not been answered on this page, you can ask it at

sysopswork automation stops or freezes when connecting to an object

Most likely cause: Object is unreachable from where you are running the automation.

Solution: It’s paramount that you test reachability to all objects that are part of your script, and you are able to login to them using your credentials.

sysopswork automation pauses before completing all the steps

Most likely cause: Pagination

Solution: Some commands return results in a human-friendly pagination format. For automation, pagination must be disabled, and commands be provided with options to avoid pagination. For inevitable cases, you can use PROMPT: instruction. More details at Prompt.

SSH key exchange algorithm mismatch

Most likely cause: Connecting to legacy devices that support only SSH version 1 or not the default set of algorithms.

Solution: With OpenSSH, edit client SSH config file (on MacOS or Linux, the user config file is located at ~/.ssh/config and the system config file is located at /etc/ssh/ssh_config). An example of such adjustment on user config file to accept an additional key exchange algorithm would look like the following:

Host *
 KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

For more details, please check:

JSON or XML not extracted from native commands

Most likely cause: Multiple commands extracting JSON (or XML) within the same script, or very long data returned from commands. Common error codes are 13005 or 21537.

Solution: We are actively working to fix this issue. In the meantime wrap the command and variable assignment with two “echo” commands (supported on Windows, macOS and Linux), as per below:

IMPC: echo flush
IMPC: echo flush

1.IMPC: aws ec2 run-instances...
ec2InstanceId = JSON("Instances[0].InstanceId") $1.IMPC

IMPC: echo flush
IMPC: echo flush

Error Codes

If something goes wrong with the automation, either because the script has an invalid syntax, or even because the operating system failed to assign resources to sysopswork process, sysopswork would throw an error code that can be verified as per the list below. We will continually work on this list to improve the experience.

System Errors

11xxx, 13xxx, or 21xx - Unexpected system error. Re-run the script. If the issue persists, please report issue at

Specific Errors

12001 - Script file is empty.

12002 - Script syntax error. Mismatching closing “”}”. Please, correct your script.

12003 - Script syntax error. “continue” statement out of a loop. Please, correct your script.

12004 - Script syntax error. “break” statement out of a loop. Please, correct your script.

12005 - Unable to find text file indicated on instruction “TEXT-FILE:” (or “TEXT:”). Please, check if file exists.

12006 - Variable located at one of the lines of the text file indicated by instruction “TEXT-FILE:” (or “TEXT:” or block “TEXT-START:/TEXT-END:”) could not be evaluated. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction “TEXT-FILE:” (or “TEXT:” or block “TEXT-START:/TEXT-END:”).

12007 - Variable located at one of the lines of the text file indicated by instruction “REST-DATA:” (or “RESTD:” or block “REST-DATA-START:/REST-DATA-END:”) could not be evaluated. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction “REST-DATA:” (or “RESTD:” or block “REST-DATA-START:/REST-DATA-END:”).

12008 - Variable located at one of the instructions could not be evaluated. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12009 - Implementation timed-out. Please, check if implementation requires adjustment on default timeout and use instruction “TIMEOUT:”.

12010 - Implementation timed-out. Please, check if implementation requires adjustment on default timeout and use instruction “TIMEOUT:”.

12011 - Script does not contain implementation instructions.

12012 - Implementation timed-out. Please, check if implementation requires adjustment on default timeout and use instruction “TIMEOUT:”.

12013 - Variable located at one of the instructions could not be evaluated. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12014 - REST API Server returned an HTTP code other than 2xx. Please, check if REST API Server is reachable and URL is correct.

12015 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12016 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12017 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12018 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12019 - Unable to fetch object key path from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12020 - Unable to fetch object key path from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_KEYPATH. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12021 - Unable to fetch object key path from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12022 - Unable to fetch object key path from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_KEYPATH. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12023 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12024 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12025 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12026 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12027 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12028 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12029 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12030 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12031 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12032 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12033 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12034 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12035 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12036 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12037 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12038 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12039 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12040 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12041 - Unable to fetch AWS key from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object AWS might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12042 - Unable to fetch AWS key from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_KEY. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12043 - Unable to fetch AWS key from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12044 - Unable to fetch AWS key from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_KEY. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12045 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object AWS might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12046 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_SECRET. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12047 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12048 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_SECRET. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12049 - Unable to fetch AWS region from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object AWS might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12050 - Unable to fetch AWS region from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_REGION. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12051 - Unable to fetch AWS region from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12052 - Unable to fetch AWS region from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_REGION. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12053 - Unable to fetch AWS format from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object AWS might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12054 - Unable to fetch AWS format from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_FORMAT. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12055 - Unable to fetch AWS format from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12056 - Unable to fetch AWS format from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_FORMAT. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object AWS, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12057 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object Azure might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12058 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_CLOUD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12059 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12060 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_CLOUD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12061 - Unable to fetch Azure user (app) ID from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object Azure might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12062 - Unable to fetch Azure user (app) ID from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_USERID. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12063 - Unable to fetch Azure user (app) ID from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12064 - Unable to fetch Azure user (app) ID from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_USERID. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12065 - Unable to fetch Azure password from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object Azure might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12066 - Unable to fetch Azure password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_PASSWORD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12067 - Unable to fetch Azure password from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12068 - Unable to fetch Azure password from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_PASSWORD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12069 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object Azure might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12070 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_TENANT. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12071 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12072 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_TENANT. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object Azure, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12073 - Unable to fetch GCP key path from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for object GCP might fix the problem. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12074 - Unable to fetch GCP key path from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_GCP_KEYPATH. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12075 - Unable to fetch GCP key path from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object GCP, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12076 - Unable to fetch GCP key path from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_GCP_KEYPATH. Please, try to manually persist credentials for object GCP, even if you have done it before. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12077 - Mismatching closing “}” found. Please, correct script and run it again.

12078 - “continue” statement out of a loop. Please, correct script and run it again.

12079 - “break” statement out of a loop. Please, correct script and run it again.

12080 - Unable to replace variable on Text file. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12081 - Unable to replace variable on REST request body file. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12082 - Unable to replace variable on REST URL. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12083 - Unable to replace variable on REST request headers. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12084 - Unable to replace variable on REST response value. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12085 - REST PRE-IMPLEMENTATION instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12086 - REST BACKOUT instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12087 - REST FINAL-TEST instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12088 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12089 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12090 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12091 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12092 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12093 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12094 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12095 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12096 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12097 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12098 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12099 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12100 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12101 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12102 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12103 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12104 - PROMPT: instruction has wrong format.

12105 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12106 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12107 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12108 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is either “user-pass”, “key”, or “trusted-key” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “user” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12109 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12110 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12111 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12112 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “user-pass” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “password” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12113 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12114 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12115 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12116 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “trusted-key” and that key passphrase has been entered for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “passphrase” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12117 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Persisting credentials for all objects in your script might fix the problem. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue continues after persisting credentials, please report issue at

12118 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. It seems that you have this environment variable set with an empty value. Set a value to this variable or clear this variable permanently from environment. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12119 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12120 - Unable to fetch object certificate thumbprint from persistent credentials and from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_THUMBPRINT. Please, try to manually persist credentials for all objects in your script, even if you have done it before. Also check if login mode is “certificate” or “ca-certificate” for the object with PROMPT: instruction to use encrypted “thumbprint” information. If the issue persists, please report issue at

12121 - PRE-IMPLEMENTATION instruction returned an unexpected result. Check logs for details.

12122 - BACKOUT instruction returned an unexpected result. Check logs for details.

12123 - FINAL-TEST instruction returned an unexpected result. Check logs for details.

12124 - Mismatching closing “}” found. Please, correct script and run it again.

12125 - “continue” statement out of a loop. Please, correct script and run it again.

12126 - “break” statement out of a loop. Please, correct script and run it again.

12127 - Unable to replace variable on Text file. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12128 - Unable to replace variable on REST request body file. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12129 - Unable to replace variable on REST URL. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12130 - Unable to replace variable on REST request headers. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12131 - Unable to replace variable on REST response value. Please, check if variable is evaluated before the respective instruction.

12132 - REST PRE-IMPLEMENTATION instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12133 - REST BACKOUT instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12134 - REST FINAL-TEST instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12135 - REST PRE-IMPLEMENTATION instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12136 - REST BACKOUT instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12137 - REST FINAL-TEST instruction returned an unexpected result. Check HTTP log for details.

12138 - Implementation timed out. By default, sysopswork times out after 30 minutes. To adjust time out period, use the instruction TIMEOUT: X, X being number of minutes.

12139 - Implementation timed out. By default, sysopswork times out after 30 minutes. To adjust time out period, use the instruction TIMEOUT: X, X being number of minutes.

12140 - Unable to create new directory “logs”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12141 - Unable to create new directory “pers”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12142 - Unable to create new directory “res”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12143 - Unable to create new directory “script”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12144 - Unable to create new directory “temp”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12145 - Unable to create new directory “user_keys”. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12146 - Unable to create file objects.csv. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12147 - Unable to create file implementations.csv. Check if you have creation/write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12148 - Maximum tentatives reached. If you don’t remember your Master Key, you can reset it at Settings.

12149 - Environment variable SYSOPSWORK_MASTER_KEY cannot have more than 32 characters.

12150 - Environment variable SYSOPSWORK_MASTER_KEY exists, but has empty value.

12151 - Invalid master key found on environment variable SYSOPSWORK_MASTER_KEY.

12152 - Maximum tentatives reached. If you don’t remember your Master Key, you can reset it at Settings.

12153 - Unable to read file implementations.csv. Check if you have read permissions on sysopswork directory.

12154 - Unable to adjust file implementations.csv. Check if you have write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12155 - Unable to read file implementations.csv. Check if you have read permissions on sysopswork directory.

12156 - Unable to adjust file implementations.csv. Check if you have write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12157 - Unable to read file implementations.csv. Check if you have read permissions on sysopswork directory.

12158 - Unable to adjust file implementations.csv. Check if you have write permissions on sysopswork directory.

12159 - Missing parameter “fqdn” on ADDOBJ: instruction. It’s a mandatory parameter.

12160 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12161 - FQDN cannot contain comma “,” as found on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12162 - Missing parameter “ip_address” on ADDOBJ: instruction. It’s a mandatory parameter.

12163 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12164 - Invalid IP Address format found on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12165 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12166 - Invalid Access Method option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12167 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12168 - Invalid Login Mode option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12169 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12170 - Prompt cannot contain comma "," as found on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12171 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12172 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12173 - Invalid Service option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12174 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12175 - Invalid Group name on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12176 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12177 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12178 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12179 - Missing keyfilepath on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12180 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12181 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12182 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12183 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12184 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12185 - Missing password on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12186 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12187 - Missing certificate thumbprint on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12188 - Missing name on ADDOBJ: instruction. It’s a mandatory parameter.

12189 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12190 - Missing parameter “ip_address” on ADDOBJ: instruction. It’s a mandatory parameter.

12191 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12192 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12193 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12194 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12195 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12196 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12197 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12198 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12199 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12200 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12201 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12202 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

12203 - Invalid first line on object file objects.csv. First line of file objects.csv must contain: fqdn,ip_address,access_method(optional),login_mode(optional),prompt(optional),public_port(optional),service(optional),groups(optional)

12204 - FQDN exceeded limit of 256 characters from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12205 - Invalid IP Address format from Object file objects.csv objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12206 - Invalid Access Method option from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12207 - Invalid Login Mode option from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12208 - Prompt exceeded limit of 64 characters from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12209 - Invalid Public Port from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12210 - Invalid Service option from Object file objects.csv. We advise to not adjust this file directly.

12211 - FQDN cannot contain comma “,”.

12212 - FQDN exceeded maximum length of 250 characters on OBJECT: instruction.

12213 - Invalid service value on OBJECT: instruction.

12214 - Invalid syntax on OBJECT: instruction.

12215 - Invalid syntax on OBJECT: instruction.

12216 - Missing details of OBJECT: entry.

12217 - Missing FQDN of OBJECT: entry.

12218…12224 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials. Either set environment variables according to the login mode of the newly created dynamic OBJECT: or use ADDOBJ: with credential parameters.

12225 - Script filename cannot contain comma “,”.

12226 - Missing answer list argument used with option -a.

12227 - Missing answer list argument used with option -a.

12228 - Answer list argument cannot exceed limit of 2048 characters.

12229 - Missing credentials argument used with option -c.

12230 - Missing credentials argument used with option -c.

12231 - Credentials argument FQDN exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

12232 - Missing implementation ID.

12233 - Missing implementation ID.

12234 - Implementation ID exceeded limit of 32 characters.

12235 - Implementation ID argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12236 - Script file cannot contain comma “,”.

12237 - Missing implementation ID.

12238 - Missing implementation ID.

12239 - Implementation ID exceeded limit of 32 characters.

12240 - Implementation ID argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12241 - Missing object argument used with option -o.

12242 - Missing object argument used with option -o.

12243 - Object FQDN exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

12244 - Missing script filename used with option -s.

12245 - Object FQDN exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

12246 - Missing port number argument used with option -P.

12247 - Missing port number argument used with option -P.

12248 - Port number exceeded limit of 5 characters.

12249 - Implementation ID argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12250 - Invalid command syntax.

12251 - Invalid command syntax.

12252 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

12253 - Answer list argument has a variable name exceeding 256 characters.

12254 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

12255 - Answer list argument has a variable name exceeding 256 characters.

12256 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

12257 - Empty value on answer list argument.

12258 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12259 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12260 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

12261 - Invalid command syntax.

12262 - Invalid service option on credentials argument.

12263 - Missing ) on credentials argument.

12264 - Object not found on file objects.csv.

12265 - Unable to open implementation file “implementations.csv”.

12266 - Invalid data found at file “implementations.csv”.

12267 - Invalid data found at file “implementations.csv”.

12268 - Invalid data found at file “implementations.csv”.

12269 - Invalid data found at file “implementations.csv”.

12270 - Unable to open implementation file “implementations.csv”.

12271 - Invalid service option.

12272 - Missing ) on credentials argument.

12273 - Object not found on file objects.csv.

12274 - Unable to open object file “objects.csv”.

12275 - Unable to open object file “objects.csv”.

12276 - FQDN exceeded limit of 256 characters from object file “objects.csv”.

12277 - Invalid IP Address format from object file “objects.csv”.

12278 - Invalid service option from object file “objects.csv”.

12279 - Unable to open object file “objects.csv”.

12280 - Syntax error: ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

12281 - Syntax error: ELSE iteration not part of an initial IF block.

12282 - Syntax error.

12283 - Syntax error.

12284 - Syntax error: list index can only contain numbers.

12285 - Syntax error: maximum list index value is 999999999.

12286 - Syntax error.

12287 - Syntax error.

12288 - Syntax error.

12289 - Syntax error: “EMPTY” can only be used with “IS” or “IS NOT”.

12290 - Syntax error.

12291 - Syntax error: list index can only contain numbers.

12292 - Syntax error: maximum list index value is 999999999.

12293 - Syntax error.

12294 - Syntax error.

12295 - Syntax error: second variable not found.

12296 - Syntax error.

12297 - Syntax error: variable name must start with a letter.

12298 - Syntax error.

12299 - Syntax error: FOR EACH loop range can only contain numbers.

12300 - Syntax error: maximum range value is 999999999.

12301 - Syntax error.

12302 - Syntax error: FOR EACH loop range can only contain numbers.

12303 - Syntax error: maximum range value is 999999999.

12304 - Syntax error.

12305 - Syntax error.

12306 - Syntax error.

12307 - Failed to find variable.

12308 - Failed to find variable.

12309 - At results list instruction, an invalid separator character is being used. Expected characters are: ‘/’, ‘|’, ‘%’.

12310 - At results list instruction, missing ‘{’ expected after separator character.

12311 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

12312 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12313 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12314 - At results list instruction, column number cannot exceed 999.

12315 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

12316 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12317 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12318 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12319 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12320 - At results list instruction, After + sign of line indicator, a number is expected.

12321 - At results list instruction, line number cannot exceed 999.999.999.

12322 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

12323 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12324 - At results list instruction, unexpected character.

12325 - At results list instruction, column number cannot exceed 999.

12326 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

12327 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12328 - At results list instruction, unexpected character.

12329 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12330 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12331 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12332 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

12333 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12334 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

12335 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12336 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12337 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

12338 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12339 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12340 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

12341 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

12342 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12343 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12344 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12345 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12346 - Syntax error: ELSE / ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

12347 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12348 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12349 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12350 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12351 - Syntax error: closing “}” out of a block.

12352 - Syntax error: ELSE / ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

12353 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12354 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12355 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12356 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12357 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12358 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12359 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12360 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12361 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘.’.

12362 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12363 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12364 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12365 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12366 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘”’.

12367 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘”’.

12368 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12369 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12370 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12371 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12372 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘”’.

12373 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘”’.

12374 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12375 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12376 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12377 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12378 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12379 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12380 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12381 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12382 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12383 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12384 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12385 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12386 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12387 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12388 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12389 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12390 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12391 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12392 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12393 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12394 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12395 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12396 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12397 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12398 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12399 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12400 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12401 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12402 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12403 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12404 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12405 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12406 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12407 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12408 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12409 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12410 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12411 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12412 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12413 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: cannot be empty.

12414 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12415 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘)’.

12416 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12417 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12418 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12419 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12420 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12421 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘)’.

12422 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Valid comparison operators are “IS”, “IS NOT”, “IS GT”, “IS NOT GT”, “IS GE”, “IS NOT GE”, “IS LT”, “IS NOT LT”, “IS LE”, “IS NOT LE”.

12423 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12424 - Instruction REST-DATA-RESULTS: or RESTDR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12425 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12426 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12427 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12428 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12429 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12430 - Instruction REST-HEADERS-RESULTS: or RESTHR: cannot be empty.

12431 - Instruction REST-HEADERS-RESULTS: or RESTHR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12432 - Instruction REST-HEADERS-RESULTS: or RESTHR: has invalid syntax. Valid comparison operators are “IS”, “IS NOT”, “IS GT”, “IS NOT GT”, “IS GE”, “IS NOT GE”, “IS LT”, “IS NOT LT”, “IS LE”, “IS NOT LE”.

12433 - Instruction REST-HEADERS-RESULTS: or RESTHR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12434 - Instruction REST-HEADERS-RESULTS: or RESTHR: has invalid syntax. Missing ‘”’.

12435 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12436 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12437 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12438 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12439 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12440 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12441 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12442 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12443 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12444 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12445 - Expected instruction REST-DATA-END: or RESTDE:.

12446 - Expected instruction TEXT-FILE-END: or TEXTE:.

12447 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12448 - Expected instruction IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END: or IMPCE:.

12449 - Expected instruction BACKOUT-COMMAND-END: or BACKCE:.

12450 - Missing instruction REST-URL: or RESTU:.

12452 - Syntax error: missing OBJECT: value.

12453 - Syntax error: missing ADDOBJ: value.

12454 - Syntax error: missing TIMEOUT: value.

12455 - Syntax error: missing WAIT: value.

12456 - Syntax error: missing QUESTION: value.

12457 - Syntax error: missing ANSWER: value.

12458 - Syntax error: missing PROMPT: value.

12459 - Syntax error: missing EXIT: value.

12460 - Syntax error: missing a ‘.’ (dot) between the sequence number and step.

12461 - Syntax error: missing instruction.

12462 - Syntax error.

12463 - FQDN exceeded limit of 256 characters at OBJECT: instruction.

12464 - Invalid service value at OBJECT: instruction.

12465 - Missing closing “)” at OBJECT: instruction.

12466 - Missing OBJECT: value.

12467 - Script files cannot load twice. Check INCLUDE: entries to certify same script is not used more than once.

12468 - Index does not exist on list. Out of bounds.

12469 - Syntax error: invalid list command.

12470 - Syntax error: invalid variable character.

12471 - Syntax error: expecting ‘”’ (double quotes).

12472 - Syntax error: expecting ‘”’ (double quotes).

12473 - Syntax error: expecting closing ‘)’ (parentheses).

12474 - Syntax error: prefix line number has to be provided if “{}” is present.

12475 - Syntax error: invalid prefix line number.

12476 - Syntax error: prefix results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

12477 - Syntax error: prefix results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

12478 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12479 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘}’ (curling brace).

12480 - Syntax error: missing prefix regular expression pattern.

12481 - Syntax error: missing closing prefix line delimeter.

12482 - Syntax error: match line number has to be provided if “{}” is present.

12483 - Syntax error: invalid match line number.

12484 - Syntax error: match results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

12485 - Syntax error: match results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

12486 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12487 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘}’ (curling brace).

12488 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

12489 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

12490 - Syntax error: missing closing match line delimeter.

12491 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

12492 - Syntax error: missing reference number.

12493 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘.’ (dot).

12494 - Syntax error: invalid instruction step.

12495 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

12496 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

12497 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

12498 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12499 - Syntax error: list item.

12500 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12501 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

12502 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12503 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

12504 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12505 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

12506 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

12507 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12508 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

12509 - QUESTION: instruction with no ANSWER: line.

12510 - Script is missing ANSWER: variable name.

12511 - Script is missing ANSWER: line.

12512 - Failure to process object information.

12513 - Failure to find object.

12514 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

12515 - Object name exceeded limit of 256 characters.

12516 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

12517 - Invalid service value.

12518 - Missing closing “)”.

12519 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

12520 - Failure to process object information.

12521 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

12522 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

12523 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22000 - Empty script file.

22001 - Mismatching closing }.

22002 - “continue” statement out of a loop.

22003 - “break” statement out of a loop.

22004 - Implementation timed-out.


22006 - BACKOUT-RESTULS(BACKR) failed.


22008 - Implementation timed-out.

22009 - BACKOUT-RESTULS(BACKR) failed.


22011 - Script does not contain implementation instructions.

22012 - Implementation timed-out.

22013 - Invalid REST(HTTP) method.

22014 - REST communication failed.

22015 - Unable to create file on sysopswork subdirectory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22016 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials.

22017 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME.

22018 - Unable to find object username.

22019 - Unable to find object username.

22020 - Unable to find object username.

22021 - Unable to fetch object key path from persistent credentials.

22022 - Unable to fetch object key path from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_KEYPATH.

22023 - Unable to find object key path.

22024 - Unable to find object key path.

22025 - Unable to find object key path.

22026 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials.

22027 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD.

22028 - Unable to find object password.

22029 - Unable to find object password.

22030 - Unable to find object password.

22031 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22032 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22033 - Unable to fetch AWS key from persistent credentials.

22034 - Unable to fetch AWS key from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_KEY.

22035 - Unable to find AWS key.

22036 - Unable to find AWS key.

22037 - Unable to find AWS key.

22038 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from persistent credentials.

22039 - Unable to fetch AWS secret from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_SECRET.

22040 - Unable to find AWS secret.

22041 - Unable to find AWS secret.

22042 - Unable to find AWS secret.

22043 - Unable to fetch AWS region from persistent credentials.

22044 - Unable to fetch AWS region from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_REGION.

22045 - Unable to find AWS region.

22046 - Unable to find AWS region.

22047 - Unable to find AWS region.

22048 - Unable to fetch AWS format from persistent credentials.

22049 - Unable to fetch AWS format from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AWS_FORMAT.

22050 - Unable to find AWS format.

22051 - Unable to find AWS format.

22052 - Unable to find AWS format.

22053 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from persistent credentials.

22054 - Unable to fetch Azure cloud name from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_CLOUD.

22055 - Unable to find Azure cloud name.

22056 - Unable to find Azure cloud name.

22057 - Unable to find Azure cloud name.

22058 - Unable to fetch Azure user ID from persistent credentials.

22059 - Unable to fetch Azure user ID from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_USERID.

22060 - Unable to find Azure user ID.

22061 - Unable to find Azure user ID.

22062 - Unable to find Azure user ID.

22063 - Unable to fetch Azure password from persistent credentials.

22064 - Unable to fetch Azure password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_PASS.

22065 - Unable to find Azure password.

22066 - Unable to find Azure password.

22067 - Unable to find Azure password.

22068 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from persistent credentials.

22069 - Unable to fetch Azure tenant from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_AZURE_TENANT.

22070 - Unable to find Azure tenant.

22071 - Unable to find Azure tenant.

22072 - Unable to find Azure tenant.

22073 - Unable to fetch GCP key path from persistent credentials.

22074 - Unable to fetch GCP key.

22075 - Unable to find GCP key path.

22076 - Unable to find GCP key path.

22077 - Unable to find GCP key path.

22078 - Mismatching closing “}”.

22079 - “continue” statement out of a loop.

22080 - “break” statement out of a loop.


22082 - BACKOUT-RESTULS(BACKR) failed.


22084 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials.

22085 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME.

22086 - Unable to find object username.

22087 - Unable to find object username.

22088 - Unable to find object username.

22089 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials.

22090 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD.

22091 - Unable to find object password.

22092 - Unable to find object password.

22093 - Unable to find object password.

22094 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials.

22095 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE.

22096 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22097 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22098 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22099 - Unable to fetch object username from persistent credentials.

22100 - Unable to fetch object username from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_USERNAME.

22101 - Unable to find object username.

22102 - Unable to find object username.

22103 - Unable to find object username.

22104 - Unable to fetch object password from persistent credentials.

22105 - Unable to fetch object password from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSWORD.

22106 - Unable to find object password.

22107 - Unable to find object password.

22108 - Unable to find object password.

22109 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from persistent credentials.

22110 - Unable to fetch object authentication key passphrase from environment variable SYSOPSWORK_OBJ_PASSPHRASE.

22111 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22112 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22113 - Unable to find object authentication key passphrase.

22114 - Mismatching closing “}”.

22115 - “continue” statement out of a loop.

22116 - “break” statement out of a loop.


22118 - BACKOUT-RESTULS(BACKR) failed.



22121 - BACKOUT-RESTULS(BACKR) failed.


22123 - Unable to create file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22124 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22125 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22126 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22127 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22128 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22129 - Unable to create new folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22130 - Unable to create file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22131 - Unable to create file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22132 - Unable to adjust a file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22133 - Maximum tentatives reached to enter the correct Master Key. If you don’t remember your Master Key, you can reset it using -K parameter.

22134 - Environment variable SYSOPSWORK_MASTER_KEY exists, but has empty value.

22135 - Invalid master key found on environment variable SYSOPSWORK_MASTER_KEY.

22136 - Maximum tentatives reached to enter the correct Master Key. If you don’t remember your Master Key, you can reset it at “Settings” page of sysopswork Desktop App.

22137 - Unable to read a folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22138 - Unable to read a folder on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to write to this directory.

22139 - Missing parameter “name” on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22140 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22141 - Object name cannot contain comma “,” as found on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22142 - Missing parameter “ip_address” on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22143 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22144 - Invalid IP Address format on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22145 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22146 - Invalid Access Method option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22147 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22148 - Invalid Login Mode option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22149 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22150 - Prompt cannot contain comma “,” as found on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22151 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22152 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22153 - Invalid Service option on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22154 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22155 - Invalid Group name on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22156 - Error to fetch object information.

22157 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22158 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22159 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22160 - Missing keyfilepath on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22161 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22162 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22163 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22164 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22165 - Missing username on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22166 - Missing password on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22167 - Missing parameter “name” on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22168 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22169 - Missing parameter “ip_address” on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22170 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22171 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22172 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22173 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22174 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22175 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22176 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22177 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22178 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22179 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22180 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22181 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22182 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22183 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22184 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22185 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22186 - Invalid syntax on ADDOBJ: instruction.

22187 - Invalid first line on object file “objects.csv”. First line of file “objects.csv” must contain: name,ip_address,access_method(optional),login_mode(optional),prompt(optional),public_port(optional),service(optional),groups(optional)

22188 - Object name exceeded limit of 256 characters from Object file.

22189 - Invalid IP Address format from Object file.

22190 - Invalid Access Method option from Object file.

22191 - Invalid Login Mode option from Object file.

22192 - Prompt exceeded limit of 64 characters from Object file.

22193 - Invalid Public Port from Object file.

22194 - Invalid Service option from Object file.

22195 - Object name cannot contain comma “,”.

22196 - Object name exceeded maximum length of 250 characters at OBJECT: instruction.

22197 - Invalid service value at OBJECT: instruction.

22198 - Invalid syntax at OBJECT: instruction.

22199 - Failure to process object information.

22200 - Missing details of OBJECT: instruction.

22201 - Missing object name of OBJECT: instruction.

22202 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22203 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22204 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22205 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22206 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22207 - Dynamic object does not have environment variable or persistent credentials.

22208 - Answer list argument cannot exceed limit of 2048 characters.

22209 - Credentials argument Object Name exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

22210 - Implementation ID exceeded limit of 32 characters.

22211 - Implementation ID argument cannot contain comma “,”.

22212 - Object Name exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

22213 - Object Name exceeded limit of 250 characters or invalid service was provided.

22214 - Invalid argument.

22215 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

22216 - Invalid command syntax.

22217 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22218 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22219 - Answer list argument has a variable name exceeding 256 characters.

22220 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22221 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22222 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22223 - Answer list argument has a variable name exceeding 256 characters.

22224 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22225 - Invalid JSON format on answer list argument.

22226 - Empty value on answer list argument.

22227 - Invalid service option on credentials argument.

22228 - Missing “)” on credentials argument.

22229 - Object not found on file “objects.csv”.

22230 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

22231 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

22232 - Script filename argument cannot contain comma “,”.

22233 - Invalid command syntax.

22234 - Unable to read a file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to read from this directory.

22235 - Unable to read a file on sysopswork directory. Check if you have administrative permissions to read from this directory.

22236 - Invalid service option.

22237 - Missing “)” on argument.

22238 - Object not found.

22239 - Unable to open object file “objects.csv”.

22240 - Invalid first line of “objects.csv”.

22241 - Object name exceeded limit of 256 characters from object file “objects.csv”.

22242 - Invalid IP Address format from object file “objects.csv”.

22243 - Invalid service option from object file “objects.csv”.

22244 - Unable to open object file “objects.csv”.

22245 - Syntax error: ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

22246 - Syntax error: ELSE iteration not part of an initial IF block.

22247 - Syntax error.

22248 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘”’.

22249 - Syntax error: list index can only contain numbers.

22250 - Syntax error: maximum list index value is 999999999.

22251 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘]’.

22252 - Syntax error.

22253 - Syntax error: valid operations are IS, IS NOT, IS LE, IS NOT LE, IS LT, IS NOT LT, IS GE, IS NOT GE, IS GT, IS NOT GT.

22254 - Syntax error: “EMPTY” can only be used with “IS” or “IS NOT”.

22256 - Syntax error: list index can only contain numbers.

22257 - Syntax error: maximum list index value is 999999999.

22258 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘]’.

22259 - Syntax error.

22260 - Syntax error: second variable not found.

22261 - Syntax error.

22262 - Syntax error: variable name must start with a letter.

22263 - Syntax error: expecting operator ‘IN’.

22264 - Syntax error: FOR EACH loop range can only contain numbers.

22265 - Syntax error: maximum range value is 999999999.

22266 - Syntax error: FOR EACH loop range requires a dash ‘-‘.

22267 - Syntax error: FOR EACH loop range can only contain numbers.

22268 - Syntax error: maximum range value is 999999999.

22269 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘]’.

22270 - Syntax error.

22271 - Syntax error: expecting opening ‘{‘.

22272 - Failed to find variable.

22273 - Failed to find variable.

22274 - At results list instruction, an invalid separator character is being used. Expected characters are: ‘/’, ‘|’, ‘%’.

22275 - At results list instruction, missing ‘{’ expected after separator character.

22276 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

22277 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22278 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22279 - At results list instruction, column number cannot exceed 999.

22280 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

22281 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22282 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22283 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22284 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22285 - At results list instruction, After + sign of line indicator, a number is expected.

22286 - At results list instruction, line number cannot exceed 999.999.999.

22287 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

22288 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22289 - At results list instruction, unexpected character.

22290 - At results list instruction, column number cannot exceed 999.

22291 - At results list instruction, missing ‘”’ at the column delimeter speficier.

22292 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22293 - At results list instruction, unexpected character.

22294 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22295 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22296 - At results list instruction, missing closing ‘}’.

22298 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22299 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

22300 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22301 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22302 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

22303 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22304 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22305 - At results list instruction, regular expression pattern cannot exceed 2048.

22306 - At results list instruction, missing regular expression pattern.

22307 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22308 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22309 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22310 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22311 - Syntax error: ELSE / ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

22312 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22313 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22314 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22315 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22316 - Syntax error: closing “}” out of a block.

22317 - Syntax error: ELSE / ELSE IF iteration not part of an initial IF block.

22318 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22319 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22320 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22321 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22322 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22323 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22324 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22325 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22326 - Syntax error: expcted period ‘.’ after instruction sequence number.

22327 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22328 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22329 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22330 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22231 - Syntax error: expected double quotes ‘”’ at instruction TEXT-FILE: (or TEXT:).

22232 - Syntax error: expected double quotes ‘”’ at instruction TEXT-FILE: (or TEXT:).

22333 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22334 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22335 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22336 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22337 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22338 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22339 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22340 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22341 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22342 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22343 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22344 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22345 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22346 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22347 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22348 - Syntax error: missing URL information at instruction ‘REST-URL:’ or ‘RESTU:’.

22349 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22350 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22351 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22352 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22353 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22354 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22355 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22356 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22357 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22358 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22359 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22360 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22361 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22362 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22363 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22364 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22365 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22366 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22367 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22368 - Syntax error: missing URL information at instruction ‘REST-URL:’ or ‘RESTU:’.

22369 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22370 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22371 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22372 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22373 - Syntax error: instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’ must have a value.

22374 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from JSON() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22375 - Syntax error: missing ‘)’ from JSON() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22376 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22377 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22378 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22379 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22380 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22381 - Syntax error: missing ‘)’ from XML() at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22382 - Syntax error: invalid operation at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22383 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22384 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ at instruction ‘REST-DATA-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTDR:’.

22385 - Syntax error: missing instruction ‘REST-URL:’ or ‘RESTU:’.

22386 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22387 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22388 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22389 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22390 - Syntax error: instruction ‘REST-HEADERS-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTHR:’ must have a value.

22391 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ at instruction ‘REST-HEADERS-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTHR:’.

22392 - Syntax error: invalid operation at instruction ‘REST-HEADERS-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTHR:’.

22393 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ at instruction ‘REST-HEADERS-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTHR:’.

22394 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ at instruction ‘REST-HEADERS-RESULTS:’ or ‘RESTHR:’.

22395 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22396 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22397 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22398 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22399 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22400 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22401 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22402 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22403 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22404 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22405 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘REST-DATA-END:’ or ‘RESTDE:’.

22406 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘TEXT-FILE-END:’ or ‘TEXTE:’.

22407 - Syntax error: missing instruction ‘REST-URL:’ or ‘RESTU:’.

22408 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘IMPLEMENTATION-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘IMPCE:’.

22409 - Syntax error: expcted instruction ‘BACKOUT-COMMAND-END:’ or ‘BACKCE:’.

22410 - Script contains syntax error(s).

22411 - Missing instruction ‘REST-URL:’ or ‘RESTU:’.

22413 - Syntax error: missing OBJECT: value.

22414 - Syntax error: missing ADDOBJ: value.

22415 - Syntax error: missing TIMEOUT: value.

22416 - Syntax error: missing WAIT: value.

22417 - Syntax error: missing QUESTION: value.

22418 - Syntax error: missing ANSWER: value.

22419 - Syntax error: missing PROMPT: value.

22420 - Syntax error: missing EXIT: value.

22421 - Syntax error: missing a ‘.’ (dot) between the sequence number and step.

22422 - Syntax error: missing instruction.

22423 - Syntax error.

22424 - Object name exceeded limit of 256 characters.

22425 - Invalid service value.

22426 - Missing closing “)”.

22427 - Missing OBJECT: value.

22428 - Script files cannot load twice. Check INCLUDE: entries to certify same script is not used more than once.

22429 - Index does not exist on list (out of bounds).

22430 - Syntax error: invalid list command. Valid command is ‘PUSH’.

22431 - Syntax error: invalid variable character. Expcting ‘=’ character.

22432 - Syntax error: expecting ‘”’ (double quotes).

22433 - Syntax error: expecting ‘”’ (double quotes).

22434 - Syntax error: expecting closing ‘)’ (parentheses).

22435 - Syntax error: prefix line number has to be provided if “{}” is present.

22436 - Syntax error: invalid prefix line number.

22437 - Syntax error: prefix results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

22438 - Syntax error: prefix results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

22439 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22440 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘}’ (curling brace).

22441 - Syntax error: missing prefix regular expression pattern.

22442 - Syntax error: missing closing prefix line delimeter.

22443 - Syntax error: match line number has to be provided if “{}” is present.

22444 - Syntax error: invalid match line number.

22445 - Syntax error: match results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

22446 - Syntax error: match results instruction requires 2 commas to separate values.

22447 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22448 - Syntax error: missing closing ‘}’ (curling brace).

22449 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

22450 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

22451 - Syntax error: missing closing match line delimeter.

22452 - Syntax error: match regular expression is required.

22453 - Syntax error: missing reference number.

22454 - Syntax error: expecting a ‘.’ (dot).

22455 - Syntax error: invalid instruction step.

22456 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

22457 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

22458 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

22459 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22460 - Syntax error: invalid list item.

22461 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22462 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

22463 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22464 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

22465 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22466 - Syntax error: invalid variable assignment.

22467 - Syntax error: constant cannot be used along with other methods of results extraction.

22468 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22469 - Syntax error: missing ‘”’ (double quote).

22470 - Question with no answer.

22471 - Script is missing ANSWER: variable name.

22472 - Script is missing ANSWER: line.

22473 - Failure to process object information.

22474 - Failure to find object.

22475 - Object name exceeded limit of 256 characters.

22476 - Invalid service value.

22477 - Missing closing “)”.

22478 - Failure to process object information.

22479 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22480 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22481 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22482 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22483 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22484 - Invalid use of quotes. They have to match.

22485 - Syntax error: expected double quotes ‘”’ at instruction TEXT-FILE-START: (or TEXTS:).

22486 - Syntax error: expected double quotes ‘”’ at instruction TEXT-FILE-START: (or TEXTS:).